- We have to be careful of the drift toward insiders and away from outsiders. If we aren't careful we will spend all of our time handling the squeaky wheels and little to no time reaching people who don't know Jesus.
- We have to be careful of the drift toward law and away from grace. As a ministry matures the natural tendency is to begin developing policies and to begin to think of people in the context of categories (tax collector, adulteress, sinner, lost) and the result is that grace begins to slip away.
- We have to be careful of the drift toward preserving rather than advancing. In the early days of a ministry when all we have is vision and there is nothing to lose, we are willing to take great risks in trying to reach people. As we grow larger the drift is toward preservation, which often comes at the cost of advancing the Kingdom.
Matthew 16:18 (NASB95) -- “Upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it."